"Brooklyn is fantastic. My English improved, and I made friends from all over the world!"
Learn language and culture. Register for our NEW summer classes! BSC Summer is a new selective program in Brooklyn, New York for intermediate to high level students. We develop English skills faster. If accepted you'll study with students from around the world. You will share your cultural and activity experiences in class with writing, conversation, and presentations. Study with BSC if you want to improve your English, enjoy New York, and speak with Americans!
Space is limited for our new summer program, so apply early!
Study and Sightseeing Six weeks in New York City Dates TBA OUR PROGRAM: Small group: Maximum size, 12 students
Meet 16 hours a week for class and guided activities (4 hours a day, four days a week, Monday-Thursday). Classroom time is a minimum of three hours a day (may increase depending on daily activity or weather).
Part 1: Presentations and discussions: (speaking and listening)
Part 2: Lessons: (grammar, group activities, vocabulary building, reading)
Part 3: Activity: sightseeing, cultural activities: New York City becomes our classroom with guided trips to interesting places
Prepare and share! Students are encouraged to share their experiences in class, with writing or presentations
More speaking time and individual attention from the instructor
USA English study certificate upon completion of course (full program, 6 weeks study)
Level of language: Intermediate to High (level test required)
Friday night meet up! Join us Friday night to hang out for our weekly social gathering. Practice your English, and make new friends!
* Weekly study option: Study for one to five weeks if you prefer. Begin any Monday during our summer sessions.
We are a small, selective English school, so contact us today!
Need a place to live in New York City? For housing we recommend Educational Housing Services for quality, convenient accommodations. Contact BSC for more options (Please note that BSC does not receive payment for recommending EHS, and thus can assume no responsibility for housing services provided. We provide this information as one option to assist our students).